Some personal details: Sunt un baiat de 14 ani.
Board account nickname: HeLLiX
Account- and Charactername: Account: Hellix
Character: HeLLiX
If you were banned in the past on boards or in-game, what for: N-am fost banat...
Why we should hire you: Vreau sa ajut serverul sa se dezvolte.
What actually motivates you to apply: Pentru ca imi place serverul.
Metin2 experience at as well as other communities: Am avut 2 conturi de lv 65 pe ro ambele razboinic.
Experience in other Games and Communities: Mai mult am jucat pe servere private,insa am avut lv 99 pe empiremt2 pe hero.
P.S.: Am fost GM pe multe servere si am experienta.
Cu Respect,HeLLiX